I wouldn’t invest any emotional energy in the hope that things will eventually return to normal. They […]
all post in 2020
Iran and Syria again on the receiving end of sanctions One of the most disturbing aspects of […]
Hi Dumbshit American. Have you had enough of diversity and multiculturalism? If not, vote a Democrat president, and the […]
With Algeria engaging in the search for a political solution in Libya, Haftar could be on his […]
The woke ideologues will likely split the U.S. Blues into Old Guard and the new, ‘soft totalitarians’, […]
The Missile Technology Control Regime is the latest in a list of longstanding international agreements that the […]
Despite national demands for sweeping police reform, Biden appears likely to choose Kamala Harris, famous for her […]
The riots, pogroms and protests going on in the US right now are interesting for their political […]
It’s imperative that all protests, whether about anti-racism or any other issue, remain peaceful and within the […]
A black man named Rayshard Brooks was recently killed by an Atlanta police officer who shot him in […]
VT has an initial diagnosis, after conferring with real medical specialists. Trump has had either a stroke, most […]
La promulgation de la « loi César », qui prévoit de nouvelles sanctions américaines à l’encontre des « individus, groupes, […]