Netanyahu’s government is going down and he wants to take America with him. Israel is currently in […]
Does Trump see Iran through some disturbed optic – that in destroying Iran, he is bringing about […]
ايران تواجه عدوانا أمريكيا.. وتركيا حربا أهلية وإسرائيل انهيارا داخليا.. والحصيلة شرق أوسط بشروطنا
Trump, Yemen, and Iran
Los sionistas revisionistas –o sea, los sucesores de Zeev Jabotinsky y de Benzion Netanyahu, a quienes no […]
For the “revisionist Zionists” (that is, the successors of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Benzion Netanyahu—not to be confused […]
Pour les « sionistes révisionnistes » (c’est-à-dire pour les successeurs de Zeev Jabotinsky et de Benzion Netanyahou […]
Earlier on, the US media reported that Trump’s administration had asked the Russian side to mediate between […]
If an Iranian-US “New Détente” follows the nascent Russian-US one, brokered as it might be by Putin […]
Before, they tried bombs. Now, they are trying economic warfare. Washington and Tel Aviv have tightened their […]
Our hopium-free podcast returns to discuss the Trump phenomenon and how the US and Israel are manipulating […]
Focus on Iranian nuclear weapons serves as a pretext to launch the necessary sanctions, subversion, and military […]