Why has the international community ignored its appeals? Why can’t we accept rumours of a Turkey-Israel battle […]
ايران تواجه عدوانا أمريكيا.. وتركيا حربا أهلية وإسرائيل انهيارا داخليا.. والحصيلة شرق أوسط بشروطنا
Who killed the three Syrian soldiers? And what is The actual threat to the “new Syria” The […]
ترامب يُخرس نتنياهو وعباس يتنمّر على حماس
He negotiates directly with “Hamas” and threatens to kill all Gaza Strip residents. What worries Israel? Trump’s […]
لماذا تراجع ترامب.. وتغيب بن سلمان وبن زايد عن قمة القاهرة؟ إسرائيل تدمّر والعرب يعمرّون.. الى متى؟
Why do we not rule out the imminent dissolution of NATO? The biggest and most catastrophic mistake […]
Will Netanyahu’s plans to separate southern Syria from Damascus and label Druze as “traitors” succeed? With the […]
I am personally acquainted with Dr. Davutoğlu, and I am aware that he is a proponent of […]
He will regret opening hell on Gaza. Hamas will not kneel. US President Donald Trump proves daily […]
Why do the Americans hate us, asks Gazan Abdel Bari Atwan? What have we ever done to […]
Gaza’s ethnic cleansing plan could lead to the collapse of peace treaties US Donald Trump confidently shrugged […]