Fighting Yemen? Trump’s Middle East Blunder Explodes
Middle East
Trump is butchering children in Gaza, stomping out free speech in the US, bombing Yemen for Israel, and preparing for full-scale war […]
ايران تواجه عدوانا أمريكيا.. وتركيا حربا أهلية وإسرائيل انهيارا داخليا.. والحصيلة شرق أوسط بشروطنا
While the Al Qaeda regime in Syria are massacring minorities the West is funding a “stable Syria” […]
Is the US on the Brink of a Major Middle East War?
Los sionistas revisionistas –o sea, los sucesores de Zeev Jabotinsky y de Benzion Netanyahu, a quienes no […]
For the “revisionist Zionists” (that is, the successors of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Benzion Netanyahu—not to be confused […]
Pour les « sionistes révisionnistes » (c’est-à-dire pour les successeurs de Zeev Jabotinsky et de Benzion Netanyahou […]
This will be a wide ranging conversation with Elijah on all matters to do with the Levant […]
As if genocide is not enough, the Zionist piracy is incorporated into the military A recent article published in […]
Syria is entering a new phase, and the regional balance of power is shifting. Gulf states, Turkey, […]
Mientras Trump se desboca con sus proyectos globales de acaparamiento de tierras, los visionarios multipolares de Valdai […]