About Us

The World As It Should Be

The Alternative World was launched in May 2019 and takes its name from the fact that our aim is to become where you could be able to find different points of view around how today’s world should be changed so as to be better.

Our remit, as we see it, is to provide a home for the analysis you no longer find in the MSM.

Our editors & admins are based around the globe.

The views expressed in the articles belong to the analysts and do not necessarily reflect our editorial policy or other analysts’ opinion.

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39 thoughts on “About Us

  • lissnup

    Hi. I’d like to subscribe to new articles and updates by email.

    • TheAltWorld

      Unfortunately we don’t have email updates. but we are also on twitter, minds and Facebook

      • Flaco

        How about adding an RSS feed to your site?

        • TheAltWorld

          Very good suggestion! we had it in mind but unfortunately because of financial problems, we don’t have anymore a technical guy!
          As you may have read on the about us page, we don’t have any sponsor and we depend on small donations through the paypal account

        • Nick

          There is an RSS feed now and it can be used by aggregators like protopage.com, news.mafraresearch.eu and I think the Yahoo aggregator though I haven’t checked that.

  • Rod Austin

    I’m an investigative journalist with the guardian News and media, I would like to speak to you regarding the covert supply of weapons to Syria story, please contact me via email

  • S M Sigerson

    Hello Alt World,
    I’m just seeing your site for the first time & I love it!
    I have an article which I consider possibly the most important thing I’ll ever write. I’ve been looking carefully for the right platform for it. It might go well on your site.
    Would you please get back to me with information about contributing an article for Alternative World?
    With sincere thanks,
    S M Sigerson
    Blog: http://www.collinsassassination.wordpress.com

  • Timothy Rue

    There really is only one way to change the world for the better but in the blocking way of doing so are religions, government, tech and military deceptions of the cheaters,

    http://3seas.org – US government work order to give people back their government of, for, and by the people, which the founders of the US established.

    World scaled version, down-scalable – http://3seas.org/Voice_of_Global_Governance-v2.pdf

    Tech industry cheat – http://3seas.org/EAD-RFI-response.pdf

    It’s really not as complicated as the cheats make it all out to be. http://abstractionphysics.net

  • Nikita

    I have NO idea why do you want our people be DEAD so badly, that you support Putin’s war crimes by claiming that his illegal actions are “what civilians from Crimea&Donbass want”. WHY do you want us, Ukrainians, be DEAD?! WHY?!

    • UlrichT

      Relax and take a look at your conditioned mind. For example from where come the ideas about Putin being so bad? Do you know this man? Personally? Or are your ideas based on what you have been told?

    • Kathryn StewartMcDonald

      Nikita Most people will fight to kill motivated only by jealousy, greed or near starvation. I love the strength of Ukrainian people resisting the tyranny of Putin he fights for jealousy and greed, The Ukrainians are on a higher level of human evolution, they fight for freedom, to defend those they love and to preserve their crops which are shared by millions. This newsletter, The Alt, is the worst propaganda I have seen in my life, and nothing written is confirmed by any other major newspaper in the world. The USA is not experimenting in Ukraine or China with biological weapons, I cannot find anything in any of these articles substantiated by anyone. The printers of Russian textbooks burned to the ground, the new textbook erased all of Russia’s history mentioning Ukraine. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-s-propaganda-textbooks-go-up-in-flames-in-spate-of-mystery-fires/ar-AAWSoUQ?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=df5735f76b084e7e8d6902f3dc405cbb
      Russia has violated all international law randomly bombing hospitals, schools, neighborhoods, they are as savage an army as has ever been seen. Why does Russia want to destroy the second largest country in Europe, the breadbasket of millions, they break all rules of war, they want to control and probably tax all cargo transporting necessary goods to Georgia and surrounding areas. The people who write this hate America, they hate American power, technology and have never had anything good to say about my country, if I pointed out examples no one in Russia would ever be able to read the text, just in the past years have people learned about Stalin, Putin is his equal. Russians have limited access to the outside world and are restricted in free speech, not even allowed to say the word war on television, protestors are arrested by the thousands. The people do not have honest information or even the freedom to read other positions. In Ukraine people are free. I do not hate Russian people, I am sorry they are so brainwashed into believing we are evil. I love Ukraine because the people are so brave and care so much for freedom. The supporters of this newsletter are haters, they writing just the opposite of what all the world has agreed upon. As if the newsletter editors just invent fiction, make the rest of the world look very bad. And what of those who support this, North Korea, a dictator so feared people do not even trust their families with words of criticism, China where the government decides how many children are legal, where you will be permitted to study on the basis of your scores and not your interests. and apparently radical Islamists who treat women as slaves. Ukraine will survive in the hearts of the free world forever, and Russians will, it seems, never be free to see the truth. They truth is on satellite imagery, available on recreational drone footage, on cell phones and all over the world, but Russians are not allowed to read

      • C.D. Hill-Lavalle

        Now I understand why God says to stay away from mainstream news. It’s lies build hate and division among people and nations (a useful tactic for the WEF’s agenda of world control and the ones who want you to think Russia and Putin are bad). All public media and gov’t publications are controlled by the wealthy elite who profit greatly from creating wars and conflicts. They created the pandemic, hid the natural cures, caused millions of deaths and disabilities and made trillions from all those people who “Believed” their gov’t controlled “Public Media”. What you’re hearing about Russia is exactly what the Nazi military operating in Ukraine are doing themselves. Do some independent research from people who live there and do not rely on gov’t sponsored and controlled media.

  • Robin Kershaw

    Your Facebook links are broken, top right and contact page. Please advise.

    • TheAltWorld

      Facebook has closed all our pages and account… we have account now in Twitter, VK & Minds

  • rallabhandi

    I have seen the web site The Altworld.I would like to know whether you are publishing any bulletin or journal apart from online updates

    • TheAltWorld

      You can follow our selection of opinions on twitter too:
      please introduce us to others too!

  • Boris van der Spek

    Hi, I’d like to get in contact with you over the credit line of an article you published, which was written by me and published under another name.

  • James


    Do you accept guest posts? If yes, then tell your Budget, I’ll provide you a well-written article and 100% related to your website niche:

    Looking forward to a positive response.


    • TheAltWorld

      The website is complete non-profit we don’t pay for articles but you can send us by email your article

  • Masha

    I’d like to know whether you allow your articles to be translated and published with references.

    • Kathryn Stewart McDonald

      Probably not
      I wonder if my remarks will be truthfully translated so i took a screen shot I wonder if I will be sent a virus by these haters?

  • Tamaiwaea Mohi

    Interested in your views on world trends

  • Marie Yeo

    Dear Editor,

    We are from Family Life International, a non-profit pro-life pro-family organisation.
    Thank you for publishing “Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement” by Whitney Webb.
    We are very much interested in the COVID vaccine issue and was wondering if you would allow us to republish that article in our LIFELINES magazine and on our Family Life International website with full credit given to your website and the authors?

    We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

    Kind regards,
    Special Projects Officer
    Family Life International

  • Hans D

    HEY @USNavy @USMarine @RealScottRitter,
    HEY @USArmy GEN Mark A. Milley,

    Use (the burning hairs) of a Great Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica), for an innate immune response, as this is a (possible) free to go (Anti)Virus-#disinfection.
    Takes 2 minutes (and is burning) up to 6 hours.

    Do this if you’ve got a #virus: #Corona #Dengue #Ebola #FSME #YellowFever #Hepatitis #Herpes #HIV #Influenza #Measles #Mumps #Smallpox #Polio #Rubella #RSV #Rabies #Zika

    You can recognize #UrticaDioica by the fact that it is blue-red-green, especially on the stem and underside of the leaves, unlike #UrticaUrens, which is bright green, doesn’t disinfect and stings significantly sharper!

    I wish I could sent you a picture of fresh growing nettles!

    Best Regards, Hans D

  • Greg

    I will only guess, educated guess, that you are based in Asia and funded by Asia. The talk of saber rattling doesn’t have to come from the US. This is the land beast of Revelation. The whole world wonders after her. I’ve been to third world countries. US military was built to fight 3 wars on 3 different continents at the same time. Please, the whole world wonders, almost like they envy, the US. “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
    Go to Central America or Africa and people look at China and they don’t see what your pitching. People from all over the world are coming over our southern border, every single day. Why? Why not China? I respect the people of China, but don’t say that China can take on the US. Look at Soviet Union and how they built up their military and neglected their infrustructure and people just to rattle their swords. We outspent Soviet Union. Most of what was seen in numbers want the whole story. Most of their nukes needed to be shut down, just out of safety. Most of the hardware was old and didn’t work. What makes US so dependable? I worked as eng for military contracts. The parts that were made are tested like know other on Earth. We spend almost 1 trillion a year, that’s all other countries of the world and they still don’t spend what we do. Lastly, we are battle-tested, battle-hardened. When was the last war that China fought? 1965 Vietnam? How do they test their machine? Just because you start building a navy and have the largest man army doesn’t mean you can go up against the land beast and win. Like I said you will be going against a system that has been tested, then tested, and then test again. If I had any parts fail, in production, I had to shut down that line which was producing the part and find the problem and then fix and and finally write a report, which would promise, with my QC stamp, that this would never happen again. When we fly above 40k feet and change extreem temperatures from cold to hot they all had to work 100 percent of the time, especially when needed the most. This isn’t the US of the 60’s we control the air and sea. That’s all you need to win a war, air superiority.

  • Louis Wolf

    I am one of the founders of (1978) and investigative journalist with CovertAction Magazine here in Washington, DC.

    If possible, could you give me the phone and e-mail contacts of Brian Berletic.

    Thank you.

    Louis Wolf

  • zander

    Infinite Eyes News (infiniteeyesnews.substack.com) would like to contribute for your site as our perspectives and intel seem to align. We write on geopolitics, privacy and surveillance, Fourth Industrial Revolution/Artificial Intelligence, cognitive/ fourth-generation warfare. If you would like a specific topic covered we would love to do an expose in hopes of exposing your audience to our information, and vice versa.
    infinitasintel@protonmail.com or advise on further contact. We look forward to hopefully hearing from you.

  • David Ginsburg

    May I ask a favour of you? Being someone who grew up on hard copy, I find it very frustrating printing out copies of really interesting thealtworld articles only to find key sentences blurred in various ways, typically at the beginning of a new page. Could you find a way to tweak the formatting to correct this problem. I’d be most grateful. Thank you

  • jennifer

    Hi admin i hope you are doing well
    My name is jennifer ella

    I want to post article on your website thealtworld.com please send me detail for guest post price


  • Eric Zuesse

    I wanted to inform your editors of some false ‘news’-articles on your site and to provide you links to the primary sources so that you can verify this for yourself, but your “About” page includes no email-address to reach your editor with this information. What is your email-address?

  • azwar

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I want to publish an article on your site/blog.https://thealtworld.com/
    I have some well written articles ready to publish.Please let me know the procedure and requirements.
    and can i have any sample post on your website

    I am waiting for your reply

  • Eleni J

    Is there a way for an independent researcher to submit her article to AltWorld?

  • Daniel Craig

    Hello ,

    I saw your website www. and it’s impressive. I wonder if advertising options like guest post, ad content are available on your site?

    What’s the price if we want to advertise on your site?

    Note : Article must not be marked as sponsored or advertised.

    Daniel Craig


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