Some journalists in the Jewish media are starting to complain that President Donald Trump is “loving Israel” just a […]
There is a story here and it goes much further than the Epstein/Maxwell/Trump blackmail scheme or child […]
The accession to Downing Street by Boris Johnson could hardly come at a more precarious time as […]
Afghanistan, bombed and invaded under the Cheney regime, was never a just war “We’re like policemen. We’re […]
In Russia and many other countries, it is considered that foreign non-governmental organizations, as well as programs […]
While Iran’s seizure of a British tanker near the Strait of Hormuz on Friday was a clear […] When President John F. Kennedy threatened the budget and power of the military/security complex by seeking […]
Kathy Zhu a pretty Asian Miss Michigan found out that she doesn’t have free speech. The organization Miss […]
What do we know? We know that Michael Cohen has admitted that he has threatened “at least […]
Hubris is usually a forewarning of impending calamity. Extreme arrogance blinds the hubristic person to the limits […]
In the endless brain fart cyclone that is the Trump era, CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta has […]
The US boasted of downing an Iranian drone over the Strait of Hormuz, admittedly in international waters, […]