From Beijing, we had President Xi Jinping. From Berlin, Chancellor Angela Merkel. And from Brussels, President of […]
For a long time, the towns and cities of Europe (and the rest of the world) grew […]
Regime change in Belarus would help extend NATO’s presence on Russia’s border by over 700 miles. Belarus […]
Several European navies have deployed vessels to Beirut port under the pretext of providing disaster relief and […]
Ultimatums are usually considered to be imperious and impolite. But in the case of China’s latest demand […]
En 2005, le président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a commencé à « se tourner vers l’Est » pour consolider les […]
In 2005 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad began “looking East” to consolidate Iran’s relationship with Russia and China rather than […]
Along-awaited report by the British parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) on Russian activity in the UK has been finally […]
Achieving popularity requires empathy and rationality, elements that politicians of the right-wing, many of whom believe they […]
The UK’s imposition of so-called “humanitarian sanctions” against 49 individuals from Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, and Saudi […]
The World Builds a Wall to Keep America Out VT: For many of us, Europe isn’t a […]
As the influence of the US and Europe wanes in the face of a new geopolitical reality, […]