It would seem to be a straightforward proposition: two member states of the European Union – Greece […]
The EU is trembling in anticipation at the prospect of a Joe Biden administration, like Ana Steele […]
Pandemia is a place where a deadly virus pandemic spreads in an out-of-control fashion Welcome to the […]
If the EU is successful, users will no longer enjoy protection from the prying eyes of government […]
It is Europe’s political fabric and societal cohesion that is in play – and its leaders are […]
In announcing a new variation of his long-held proposal for a moratorium on intermediate-range nuclear forces in […]
Is it surprising that Russia and China have come to their ‘we have had enough’ moment? Wolfgang […]
‘When the European Union speaks as a superior, Russia wants to know: Can we do any business […]
The arrogance of the European Union towards Russia has gone too far after the bloc slapped sanctions […]
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced this week the reimposition of international sanctions against Iran. Trouble […]
Mohsen Abdelmoumen : Dans votre livre « Coaching & conflicts », vous évoquez le concept de guerre hybride. Pouvez-vous expliquer ce concept […]
Mohsen Abdelmoumen: In your book “Coaching & conflicts“, you talk about the concept of hybrid warfare. Can you […]