Playing Deus ex machina, President Macron came to distribute the good and bad points to the Lebanese […]
all post in September 2020
Jouant au Deus ex machina, le président Macron est venu distribuer les bons et les mauvais points […]
Beijing has a plan to become the indispensable tech core of East Asia, linking ASEAN, Northeast Asia […]
“Check out any time you like, but you can never leave” For many years the security framework […]
The vote-shaming engines have predictably kicked into high gear in America as the presidential election approaches, with shitlib […]
Trump’s crusade against voting by mail may prove to be a strategically sound expression of his plan […]
Trump has no power over the fact that history will one day view him as the most […]
Once only associated with enemy nations and the Great Depression, bread lines have returned to the US, […]
We have been deceived by public health authorities about Covid, partly from public authorities’ ignorance of the […]
There were 104 separate incidents of drivers crashing into protests between May 27, the date of the […]
In August, a curious document emerged in the US entitled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition“. […]
On a beaucoup parlé de conflit d’intérêts entre Russes et Iraniens en Syrie, dont les priorités et […]