The absolute last thing that Poland wants right now is for everyone to remember how actively its […]
As the Deputy Minister of National Defense of the Republic, Wojciech Skurkiewicz, emphasized, cooperation within NATO is […]
While Western propaganda continues insisting Ukraine will prevail against Russian military operations, the “front line” is quietly […]
While Western governments and the Western media continue clinging to the hope of an eventual “victory” for […]
The emerging trend is that the Polish-Prussian alliance is giving way to a Polish-German rivalry, albeit one […]
Ukraine as a country might not have a future. Ukraine is a new country only three decades […]
Polonia y Ucrania comparten una historia complicada en la que cada una de las partes ha perpetrado […]
Poland and Ukraine have a complex history of massacres on both sides. However, for eight years, they […]
La Pologne et l’Ukraine ont une histoire complexe de massacres des deux côtés. Pourtant depuis huit ans, […]
“Every couple of days we get another so-called ‘gaffe’ from Biden where he appears to be revealing […]
Poland and Hungary are now realizing that they have some irreconcilable differences over their respective visions, whether […]
The United States and its NATO allies need to stop the flow of weapons to Ukraine and […]