Chihuahuas europeos, ¡disfrutad de vuestras fantasías de “derrota estratégica”! Sigan ladrando y comprando GNL ruso. Empecemos con […]
European chihuahuas, enjoy your “strategic defeat” fantasies! Let’s start with the tale of an Empire bragging to […]
This is the crux: Biden is desperate to have Riyadh buy Treasuries and to keep buying them. […]
Steven Sahiounie- The Saudi-UAE alliance, once hailed as an unbreakable pillar in the region, is experiencing significant […]
Countries of the Global South have grown tired of the US-led global economic system, in which the […]
We now have an embarrassment of ‘wars’ of which paradoxically, Ukraine is perhaps of lesser strategic import, […]
A new chapter of tension came across the relations between Washington and Riyadh, after Saudi Arabia adopted […]
OPEC+ turns the tables on the US with English subtitles
The Ukraine war ‘bubble’ is deflating as the U.S. and Europe reach the bottom of the arms […]
The OPEC+ decision may lead to an additional reconfiguration of forces in Eurasia. On October 11, UAE […]
On October 5, the OPEC+ group agreed to cut oil production by two million barrels per day […]
Covid-19 may be the trigger, but it is the U.S. dollar that is the root problem, Alastair […]