Le choix des Anglo-Saxons d’ignorer la proposition russe de Traité garantissant la paix et de lui substituer […]
Jaw, jaw is better than war, war, to paraphrase Winston Churchill. So at this juncture of fraught […]
After so many military blunders, NATO and the neo-con’s credibility is in tatters. Yet their unhinged rhetoric […]
Le 17 janvier, l’Alliance de l’Atlantique Nord a publié sa doctrine politique sur l’espace. Le texte de […]
Russia’s goal is not to destroy Ukraine—this could be accomplished at any time. Rather, the goal of […]
“When Poland is threatened then the UK stands ready to help,” declared the British prime minister on […]
As maintaining the status quo is not a viable solution to the US crisis with Russia over […]
The task of the American media is not objective journalism. The task is to support the official […]
US President Joe Biden accused Russian leader Vladimir Putin of “wanting things he cannot get”. He was […]
Today, the best kept secrets are quickly revealed. They do not spread for all that. However, this […]
Aujourd’hui, les secrets les mieux gardés sont vite éventés. Ils ne se propagent pas pour autant. Pourtant, […]
Without deeper understanding of Chinese and Russian civilizations, and their way of thinking, Westerners simply are not […]