Trump’s real priority in the Gulf is to extort ‘protection money’ from Saudi Arabia and the UAE […]
Trump’s clear goal is to ensure that power in Sudan stays firmly in the hands of those […]
At least 350 diplomatic Silk Way Airlines (an Azerbaijani state-run company) flights transported weapons for war conflicts […]
The June 25-26, 2019 “peace conference” scheduled for Manama, Bahrain and attended by the United States, Israel, […]
U.S. President Donald Trump, declaring a national emergency because of tensions with Iran, swept aside objections from […]
As the US and Iran face off, their proxy wars are escalating All-out war between Iran and […]
Has Trump convinced himself that the Administration’s wider bluster is actually winning: Making America Great Again? On […]
MPN- It is likely that Saudi Arabia sees Libya’s Khalifa Haftar as a means of beating down […]
Are the US and its Gulf allies manipulating the new Military Council? Observers of fast-moving developments in […]
The Gulf grandees have a right to be edgy, Alastair Crooke writes. They can see that Trump’s […]
With the palace rivalries among the emirates of the UAE and the monarchies in the GCC, the […]