Film-maker Oliver Stone has won 12 Academy Awards for his films. But this outstanding record doesn’t help when […]
The three sites chosen for the news bases, Erbin, Sulimania and Halabja are all extremely close to […]
Russia, China and Iran are already being blamed for using tech to undermine the 2020 election. Yet, […]
U.S. pressures will escalate – in line with the binary ‘either/or’ ultimatum, and Iran will then push […]
But if we keep pushing we may not be able to assess their capabilities either way. Here’s […]
US Vice President Mike Pence used his speech at the Holocaust memorial last week to bang a […]
US Vice President Mike Pence used his speech at the Holocaust memorial last week to bang a […]
“I remember that Hilary Clinton worked hard against my idea to go to Iran. She even called […]
Des représailles des milices à l’appel de l’Irak à mettre fin à la présence des troupes américaines, […]
There is a big difference between assassinating Al Qaeda and Islamic State leaders and the commanders of […]
The Israeli-Egyptian deal will transfer some 85 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Egypt. Palestinians worry […]
Pompeo recently asked why Iran wasn’t behaving like a ‘normal nation’. But if the US is the […]