This TED talk by a rich man calling for a new economics misrepresents the causes and cure […]
Bitcoin, Stablecoin, Tether, Blockchain, Coinbase, Binance, Etherium, Luna, Celsius, Circle, FTX, NFTs: What’s all this crypto jargon […]
Nobody with an IQ over room temperature will expect Davos this week to discuss any aspect of […]
Daniel Lazare in this interview with Finian Cunningham says that the United States of America is locked […]
For Western media to harangue China over its zero-Covid policy and to try to blame China for […]
A comment by journalist Finian Cunningham on how the Western Covid pandemic death toll is symptomatic of […]
The horrendous death toll in the U.S. and Europe has been caused not so much by a […]
Listen to a reading of this article: We’re at the most dangerous point in humanity’s abusive relationship […]
The crisis of Western capitalism has led to the election of an ultra-right party in Sweden, with […]
Listen to a reading of this article: “No no you don’t understand, this US war is completely […]
Listen to a reading of this article: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible get to just stay […]
In his latest book, economist Michael Hudson pits socialism against finance capitalism and tears apart the ‘dream […]