A whining President Zelensky goes home with almost nothing but still might start World War 3 It […]
Estados Unidos empuja sus aliados de la Unión Europea a prepararse para una Tercera Guerra Mundial, una […]
The United States is pushing its European Union allies to prepare for a Third World War. They […]
Les États-Unis poussent leurs alliés de l’Union européenne à se préparer à une Troisième Guerre mondiale. Ils […]
A Third World War isn’t inevitable since that worst-case scenario can still be averted. All that the […]
The strategists of Russia and China are now working full time on how to return all strands […]
The self-appointed Davos “elites” are afraid. So afraid. At this week’s World Economic Forum meetings, mastermind Klaus Schwab – […]
Mientras vemos con horror el resurgimiento de grupos fascistas, nazis o adeptos del antiguo imperialismo japonés, también […]
While we react with fear to the resurgence of fascist, Nazi or Japanese imperial groups, we fail […]
Alors que nous réagissons avec effroi à la résurgence de groupes fascistes, nazis ou impériaux japonais, nous […]
Kiev’s conspiracy-driven propaganda aimed at sparking World War III was done out of politically self-interested desperation, completely […]
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ The commander of the US nuclear arsenal has stated […]