Trump Is Just Bush In A Red Hat: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Trump is butchering children in Gazastomping out free speech in the US, bombing Yemen for Israel, and preparing for full-scale war with Iran in plans which reportedly include the possible use of nuclear weapons.

And from what I can see, Trump supporters are mostly fine with it. Everything the so-called MAGA movement claims to stand for is a lie.

“MAGA” is just Republicans doing Republican things. Ten years ago the GOP started wallpapering over its shattered reputation from the Bush administration with a right wing populist message which purported to oppose neoconservative war agendas, support free speech, seek to drain the swamp, and put America first. In practice what we are seeing is Trump murdering and warmongering in the middle east just like Bush, rolling out freakish authoritarian agendas in the US just like Bush, advancing longstanding neoconservative agendas just like Bush, and putting Israel first just like every Republican for decades.

Trump is all the most evil things Bush was, but MAGA morons pretend he’s something different because he put on a red hat. Dumbest, most pathetic and fraudulent political faction in existence.

As footage of dead kids in Gaza fills your social media timeline once again, keep in mind that the reason the empire has worked so hard to stomp out all criticism of Israel’s western-backed atrocities is because our rulers planned on sponsoring a lot more atrocities and murdering a lot more kids.

Ever trip on how Israel and its western backers keep calling this a “war”? What’s happening in Gaza is not a war, it’s a few thousand guys with homemade rockets fighting an entire empire, and Israel isn’t even focused on them — it’s focused on the entire population of Gaza.

States often try to avoid using the word “war” to describe their actions due to people’s negative associations with it. The US likes to call its wars “humanitarian interventions”. Russia called its invasion of Ukraine a “Special Military Operation”. But Israel immediately rushed in to call its naked ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza a “war”, as did its western allies and their propaganda press. Why is that?

I will tell you why. It’s to justify permanently taking Gaza away from the Palestinians. Israel has an established track record of using the wars it has fought to grab up more territory, which its apologists then justify by saying things like “Yeah well they lost a war in 1967, you lose territory when you fight a war and lose.” They’re laying the narrative foundation to make sure everyone in the future will see Gaza in the same light after they annex it, purge it of Palestinians, and replace them with Jews.

That’s all this has ever been: not a war with Hamas, but another Israeli land grab. There are mountains of evidence that Israeli officials let October 7 happen on purpose in order to justify this land grab, and they’ve been framing this as a “war” ever since to make sure they can get away with it.

Framing this as a war has other benefits to be sure, such as framing the civilians and civilian infrastructure it has been deliberately targeting as “collateral damage” instead of systematic extermination and demolition. But first and foremost this is about the expansion of Israeli territory.

A new Economist/YouGov poll has found that most Republicans believe protesting your government should be legal—except for protests against Israel. When it comes to protesting Israel a majority of Republicans either believe it should be illegal or are not sure.

I don’t even know what to say to this. Imagine being someone answering those polling questions and not taking your own answers as a call to do some serious self-reflection. Imagine coming right out and admitting something like this about yourself, and then not changing.

It’s the people going “HAHA GAZA’S ON FIRE I BET YOU WISH YOU’D VOTED FOR KAMALA NOW” who really get to me. This is exactly why the Democrats lost: because they saw Gaza as nothing more than a political plaything to be ignored when inconvenient and gloated about when convenient. This is just a game to these assholes.

These freaks spent months shouting down everyone who protested against the genocidal atrocities of Joe Biden and dismissing anyone who had a problem with Harris refusing to put any daylight between herself and the president on this extremely important issue. Now that Trump is continuing Biden’s genocide they’re somehow acting like they’re on the right side of history? Fuck off you obnoxious shitstains.

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

3 thoughts on “Trump Is Just Bush In A Red Hat: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

  • makemydaypunktrump

    The neocons were Jews, they controlled the half-wit Bush and made him wage all these genocidal wars for “israel”.

    Trump is different, he’s not the son of a former CIA asshole involved in JFK murder, he comes from the business and show business side of things. He’s a much better actor than Bush jr & sr.

    This is probably why the Jews who control all US institutions chose him. They saved him from bankruptcy in the 1980’s and waited to get repaid.

    Trump is much bigger zionist prostitute than the Bush, he even married his daughter to one of these scumbags.

    However, it is exactly the same agenda as under the Bush family. The Jewish agenda disguised as ‘conservatism’, patriotism or nationalism, but it’s basically sucking America’s blood and money for “israel’.

    It’s not MAGA, it’s MARA (Make America Ruined Again).

    But, there is a recession already (last Biden’s gift to Trump) and given the billions which Trump is going to spend in West Asia to serve his zionist pimps against Yemen, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, in the next two years he is going to ruin the country and Americans will feel it.

    Already, the zionist puppet has ordered a new aircraft carrier to attack Yemen, showing the defeat of the current one (and menace Iran too), which incidentally proves once again that aircraft carriers are doomed relics of the past century facing hypersonic missiles technology that the US doesn’t have.

    The Yemenis have in 2024 caused major damages to the USS Truman and it had to be repaired and leave the region. It is now back but is still the target of Yemenis drones and missiles.

    They didn’t sink one yet but it could come if Trump is stupid enough to attack Iran for his Jewish masters.

    If he attacks Iran, the Americans will also feel the price of oil explode, as the rest of the west and other less economic miseries.

    Iranians already mentioned last year how they could annihilate”israel” power infrastructure and nuclear deterrence by striking their nuclear launching sites with hypersonic missiles.

    The only reason they wouldn’t do it is by humanism consideration for the zionist neighbors and the land they occupy, but if they have no other choice to survive it might change. The false state of ‘israel’ is fucking small and relies on easy to target energy infrastructure without which nothing works. Just taking that out would be enough to shut netanyahu’s dirty big mouth.

    Besides, Iran is neither Iraq, Lebanon or even Syria. It has a huge army, committed population that hates the little and big Satans plus definite advanced military technologies that the US don’t even have.

    The empire that couldn’t defeat Afghans, Cubans, Vietcongs or Koreans wants to take on Iran and take the lesson of its young life?

    Chinese, Russians and Islamic countries will watch with great interest and will use the quagmire created by Trump on behalf of his Jewish pimps to fix the last nails in the US coffin.

    So make my day punk Trump, attack Iran.

  • IQID

    Frankly, the problem is not Trump it’s netanyahu.

    For a quick resolution of the conflict and an end to the genocide, there is an obvious thing to do and that could be done by anyone who wants this unacceptable situation to stop: Kill Netanyahu.

    Often, only one person is blocking a conflict resolution. In the case of occupied Palestine and Israel, at this time in history, one man is blocking any attempt at solving it, it’s Netanyahu.

    All sides would benefit from his death,
    Palestinians of course but also Israelis, Americans and other westerners too.

    Eliminating a human trash like this would not be a moral issue for 99.99% of the world population.

    Israeli political opposition has an interest of getting rid of him, the Shin bet boss he tries to fire as well,
    Hamas, Hezbollah and other resistance movements could also do it, what about a Yemeni hypersonic missile that could hit him at home?
    Or even a CIA covert operation to get rid of a total liability that has cost the US billions of $ and thousands of lives of US soldiers in the last decades.
    Not mentioning all other countries who could benefit from his death, from the UK to South Africa to Muslim countries, the list is almost endless.

    The real wonder is why is this son of a bitch still alive?

    • action

      This son of a bitch still alive because the resistance like Hezbollah or Iran always amke sure to either warn before they strike where they will strike or to miss the right targets.

      The zionists and the US have murdered scores of their leaders, yet not a single retaliation against israeli ones.

      Strange isn’t it?

      Even the Yemenis make sure never to make victims, which miss the point of retaliating.

      Ideally it should be an inside job, there are enough people inside Israel who wnat him out to make that possible


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