As tensions rise in the US-Iran conflict, there could be repercussions throughout the region The tense situation […]
The treaties are untouchable, precisely because Germany believes that to loosen its hold over the monetary system […]
For Johnson and his privileged ilk, the past of British Empire will always be seen as a […]
Western states are fundamentally broken down because “liberalism” is an empty term which conceals rapacious corporate capitalism […]
Western economists and intellectuals obsessed with demonization of China are never shy of shortcuts glaringly exposing their […]
Iran is right. The way to save the international nuclear accord on Iran is for all parties […]
Since the European Union has become a super-national structure by the force of Treaties, how can the […]
L’Union européenne étant devenue par la force des Traités une structure supra-nationale, comment les États-membres peuvent-ils désigner […]
‘None of the presidents on the council would accept this being done in their countries. It would […]
A new article by Forbes reports that the CEO of Crowdstrike, the extremely shady cybersecurity corporation which was foundational in […]
World News Breaking News: Washington DC: “We need One World with No Borders, One Government, One Religion called […]
The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently renamed US liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports “freedom gas.” But […]