4 Myths About the Thai Monarchy Spread by US-Funded Protest Leaders

Washington’s growing confrontation with China is dragging in many of China’s closest regional allies including Thailand. In a bid to divide and overthrow Thailand’s institutions to make way for a pro-Washington client regime – efforts have been focused on undermining the nation’s 700+ year old monarchy.
I break down 4 of the most common myths spread by the US-funded opposition and repeated endlessly by the Western corporate media.
For legal reasons I want to make it clear when I refer to “Yingluck Shinawatra” I am referring to her government and its supporters and not Yingluck Shinawatra herself as an individual.
National Endowment for Democracy – US government funding of core Thai opposition organizations (2019):
Jalopnik – Why It Costs The President $2,614 Per Minute To Travel (10.9 billion THB or $350 million per year):
กองทัพบกช่วยผู้ประสบเหตุอุทกภัยตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง (Royal Thai Army flood relief operatons video):
NYT – In Thailand, Power Comes With Help From Skype:
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