His pragmatic hedging preserves Russia’s national interests and even stands a chance at advancing them in the […]
Con sorprendente aplomo, la prensa internacional nos asegura que lo sucedido en Siria no es un cambio […]
With surprising aplomb, the international press assures us that we are not witnessing a military change of […]
Avec un aplomb surprenant, la presse internationale nous assure que nous n’assistons pas à un changement militaire […]
A lot depends on whether Ethiopia’s anti-terrorist troops will now be allowed to remain in Somalia next […]
Mike Robinson of UK Column speaks to Vanessa Beeley Mike and I sat down to talk about […]
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship, academia, journalism, public service, business, was associate editor […]
L’ancien officier du renseignement du Corps des Marines des États-Unis, Scott Ritter, rejoint l’émission pour discuter de […]
Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter joins the show to discuss Syria’s collapse and what […]
Turkey Turns on Russia
Russia’s Next Move
If Putin hopes to reach a deal with Erdogan on Syria, then it’ll require keeping up the […]