The explanations we are given make no sense, neither Washington’s, Putin’s, nor Iran’s. How did terrorists whose […]
CIA MI6 Mossad MIT terrorism is changing the face of Syria through violence, intimidation and ethnic cleansing […]
Is Syria a failed state or will the Syrian civilisation reject the Zionist CIA MI6-imposed dark age?
My latest conversation with the panel of guests on Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra
La historia de Siria no es tan simple como que “el presidente Assad cayó” y los “salafistas […]
The Syria story is not so simple as ‘President Assad fell’ and the ‘technocratic Salafists’ rose to […]
Since the Turkish-Takfiri coup in Syria backed by the US, Israel, Qatar and the West, Christians are, […]
Unraveling Syria’s future: Is the worst yet to come? | Ep. 58
Despite the shock reverberating around the region there are the first signs that Syria will not die […]
Just as the Palestinian and Lebanese Resistance are battered but resilient, the occupied Syrian Nation is down […]
The fall of Syria and other nations like it contribute toward a more dangerous world where larger […]
We’re joined by returning guest, Vanessa Beeley, having recently escaped the terrorist coup in Syria. She recounts […]
Join Mnar Adley and Ghadi Francis as they delve into the rapidly changing dynamics of the resistance […]