I think not. There is a bureaucracy, an office, and someone with a title, but there is no […]
Turkey Turns on Russia
The Syria army was hollowed out from years of fighting and a crippled economy. Russia prioritizes Ukraine […]
Jean Luc Schaffhauser, antiguo miembro de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores y Defensa y Seguridad del Parlamento […]
The third front that Washington opened against Russia had immediate success. US Opens a Third Front Against […]
What is happening in Syria is a major loss for the Syrian people and their allies, including […]
Post-Assad Syria is on the brink of all-out collapse that could turn it into the world’s largest […]
If Putin hopes to reach a deal with Erdogan on Syria, then it’ll require keeping up the […]
To seek a deal on Ukraine is to treat the symptom and to ignore a cure ‘Doomsters’ […]
The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with […]
Update on US proxy war in Syria… Syrian forces continue withdrawing following a large offensive carried out […]
NATO says the alliance should not be considering a peace plan for Ukraine, but instead be focused […]