The truth is that the PA missed an opportunity to allow Palestinians a political voice, which would have also reflected upon Jerusalem. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his ilk treat Jerusalem as a symbol. As the situation currently stands, it is the Palestinian people and Israel who are tenaciously holding on to the city; the latter breaking international law in the process. The PA is waiting for Biden to make a move, while Israel is reassured of Trump’s legacy in terms of its false claims over Jerusalem.

Contrary to mainstream assumptions, Biden’s professed support for the two-state paradigm holds no ground against the consequences of Trump’s policies. Pitting Biden against Trump won him the elections, and the PA cheered, but Biden has reversed none of Trump’s most damaging policies and Israel is aware it still holds the political advantage. The US consulate is just one fragment of a dangerous precedent set by Trump, one that cannot be isolated from the earlier Zionist narrative of Greater Israel.