Consider the conflict that seems to be shaping up. The Russian offensive is on hold as the Kremlin […]
La propaganda idiotiza. Se sabe que los nacionalistas integristas ucranianos perpetraron masacres, sobre todo durante la Segunda […]
Propaganda makes you stupid. We know that the Ukrainian integral nationalists have committed abominable massacres, especially during […]
La propagande rend stupide. Nous savons que les nationalistes intégraux ukrainiens ont commis d’abominables massacres, particulièrement durant […]
Now the Kremlin is faced with the threat of a false flag “dirty bomb” that would serve, […]
Listen to a reading of this article: Those who hate Russia the most are the ones who […]
Every day that passes raises my concern that the Kremlin is mishandling a dangerous situation and making […]
Alex Krainer is a hedge fund manager and author. His book – the Grand Deception twice banned […]
Listen to a reading of this article: The president of the United States made headlines the other day by […]
To be clear, I respect Putin as a person. He is humane. He cares about life and civilization. He […]
In America today it is no longer possible for liberals and conservatives, left and right, Republicans and […]
Mientras la prensa internacional aborda el sabotaje contra los gasoductos Nord Stream y Nord Stream 2 como una especie de “crónica roja”, […]