Azov commander Denys Prokopenko slammed the Ukrainian military’s poor planning around fortifications. Meanwhile, an investigation is underway […]
Rusia intervino militarmente en Ucrania para desnazificar ese país. Pero las potencias occidentales afirman que en Ucrania […]
Russia intervened militarily in Ukraine to denazify the country. But, according to Westerners, there are no Nazis […]
La Russie est intervenue militairement en Ukraine pour dénazifier le pays. Mais, selon les Occidentaux, il n’y […]
The Deputy Prime Minister of Poland, otherwise obediently complicit in Washington’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, […]
While the histories are of course different, making properly evidenced parallels in character and tactics between Nazi […]
The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a renowned […]
A question of our time is why do Europeans put up with the tyrannical EU scum? […]
The NATO NeoNazi regime in Kiev is going for broke, as its Third Reich forbears did during […]
To discuss the Zionist movement’s untold history of collaboration with fascism, including Nazi Germany, Rania Khalek was […]
▪️US-funded media “Voice of America” features Azov Nazis with visible Nazi patches on their uniforms in video […]
In this March 2022 video I tore down the arguments the West has tried to use to […]