This was never meant to be Yalta. Although Yalta 2.0 may eventually happen. This was never meant […]
Trump podría simplemente escalar la escalera metafísica para decir simplemente que sólo él tiene la visión para […]
Trump might simply escalate the metaphysical staircase to simply say that he alone has the vision to […]
Can Trump Save the US From Itself? Related Article: Can Trump save America from itself?
This swap represents a rare example of successful New Cold War diplomacy. Russia and the West exchanged […]
To attempt to use secular rationality as the predominant analytic tool by which to comprehend geo-political events […]
The exemplary Italian diplomat showed the power of cognitive empathy, patience and persuasion. Sadly, in today’s conflict […]
Aquí está la idea clave de estos días frenéticos en Moscú: Normalófilos del mundo, uníos. Han sido […]
Here’s the key takeaway of these frantic days in Moscow: Normal-o-philes of the world, unite. These have […]
MP Sevim Dagdelen, Die Linke spokeswoman for international politics and disarmament in the German Bundestag, discusses the […]
Brian Berletic of the New Atlas discusses the U.S.’s fake diplomacy with China and how it is […]
Forked-tongued American politicians should be repudiated until Washington actually begins to behave as a law-abiding entity. Joe […]