Eritrea Won’t ‘Bow to the US’– Now Washington Wants Regime Change

Eugene Puryear and Rania Khalek slam the recent article from Michael Rubin, a neocon lobbyist from the American Enterprise Institute, that urges Trump to “openly support regime change in Eritrea.”

Why is Rubin—who championed the catastrophic US interventions in Iraq, Libya, and Syria—now setting his sights on Eritrea? Because, Eugene explains, “Eritrea refuses to bow to the broader US agenda in the region and the world.”

Michael Rubin, lobbyist w/@AEI, who championed intervention in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, is now lobbying Trump for “regime change” in Eritrea.

“Overthrowing governments in the name of ‘human rights’ is pure BS,” says @RaniaKhalek

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