Rockets launched at Kabul airport before final U.S. troop withdrawal

The deadline for the United States to withdraw remaining troops in Afghanistan is getting closer, but the threat of violence is still high. CBS News’ Bradley Blackburn reports, and then Max Abrahms, a Northeastern University political science professor and senior fellow with the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, joins “CBSN AM” to talk more about the challenges.

One thought on “Rockets launched at Kabul airport before final U.S. troop withdrawal

  • Baldur Dasche

    Fuck the USA!

    After an invasion, 19 years of World-class killing, the attempted genocide of a nation, a glaring failure to win and an almost ignominious flight – made possible through the active assistance of the former enemy, the assholes have the unmitigated gall to demand a ‘happy ending’? Give back the money you stole and leave the Afghans alone.

    Start minding your own business let the World breathe.


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