Betraying Palestine–MES EP.69

The United Arab Emirates’ agreement to normalize ties with Israel is being deemed by Palestinians as the gravest betrayal of the struggle for Palestinian liberation and self-determination. The condemnation echoes the strength of feeling across Palestinian society and the Arab world – with much disgust being expressed on social media and among Arab scholars and academics who had contracts inside the UAE.

To discuss this issue with us from Beirut is Dr. AbdalHadi Al Ijli, academic and commentator.

Meanwhile, it is not possible to understand the verdict of the International Tribunal for Lebanon, without returning to the full path that it went through over the past years. The path proved that the court was highly politicized, and the verdict of the hearing session confirmed this. For the most part, it presented just a political analysis of the process of the Lebanese events before 2005.

To discuss this issue with us from Beirut is Ms. Gina Chammas political commentator.

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