When the US began its military adventure in Iraq in 2003, many Western scholars noted that Washington’s […]
David Wurmser is Matryoska’s ‘doll’ within: no military invasion, but just a strategy to blow apart the […]
The GOP senate, 100% mob controlled has banned all video and voice recording of the impeachment. What […]
The false choice being presented by the EU to Iran of “returning to compliance” should be repudiated. […]
The Douma alleged “chemical weapon” furore has thrown the Syria narrative managers in Western corporate media into […]
The trouble is that Trump’s unhinged hostile rhetoric towards Iran suggests that the off-ramp from war is […]
The landmark international nuclear accord with Iran is all but dead. President Trump torpedoed it back in […]
Meetings with Mitsotakis and Tender on today Haftar arrived in Athens just two and a half days […]
John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector for Afghanistan Reconstruction, testified before Congress this week that America’s Afghan […]
The Trump administration could actually exploit the current crisis with Tehran to negotiate a peace deal if the State Department was […]
The Old Dominion (the Commonwealth of Virginia) produced the most important members of our Founding Fathers and […]
Sending soldiers into unstable places to do unnecessary things as part of a non-existent strategy should not […]