US Releases List of New Arms Shipment to Ukraine

▪️List is virtually identical to the previous list, featuring arms/ammo drawn from monthly production because stockpiles have been exhausted;

▪️Hawk air defense systems are sent instead of the more recent Stinger/Patriot systems because of critical shortages of both, Hawk being outdated/unused by the US for decades;

▪️Anti-armor weapons are being provided in smaller numbers than necessary to destroy the number of new Russian armored vehicles produced monthly alone;

▪️Arms shipments are meant to prolong the conflict & maximize the cost of Russian victory, at current production numbers the US-NATO are incapable of turning the tide;

▪️The shipment comes as Ukrainian forces continue falling back along the line of contact from Chasov Yar to Nui York;

The “Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) funds” to buy Patriot & NASAMS interceptors means the US is buying missiles from future production because existing production/stockpiles are (and have been) critically short.

This illustrates just how depleted Ukrainian air defenses are (and how immense/prolonged Russia’s missile and drone campaign has been).

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