US to Openly Arm Ukraianian Nazi “Azov Brigade”

▪️Washington Post claims ( after a human rights review no “major” human rights violations were found, clearing the unit for US arms;

▪️WaPo admits Azov’s “founders espoused racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views,” avoiding any mention of Nazism, but never states that these views have been reformed;

▪️ In fact, Azov Brigade’s unit patch, logo, and flag all still feature various versions of Nazi Germany’s wolfsangel, as seen on even Wikipedia;

By the way, Azov and other Nazi units in Ukraine have been receiving Western arms and training all along, since even before 2014 in order to take part in the violent overthrow of the elected Ukrainian government.

This announcement reflects the high degree of desperation and difficulty the US is experiencing both fighting this proxy war and controlling the narrative.

One of the biggest pieces of evidence supporting Russia’s claims of Nazis in Ukraine was the US ban on Azov. So the US has simply, arbitrarily lifted the ban.

But now, the US is simply, openly backing Nazis in Ukraine.

While this might fool many in the West, all it will do is galvanize Russia, its people, and its allies further.

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