Trump threatens Middle East “hell”

Immediately after hosting a dinner party in ‘honour’ of Mrs. Sara Netanyahu, US president- elect Donald Trump threatened there would be “hell to pay” in the Middle East if the Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip aren’t released before he returns to the White House on 20 January.
He went further, warning that those responsible, namely Hamas and Islamic Jihad, will be “hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied history of the United States of America”.
During his first term Trump issued many similar threats: to destroy North Korea; bring China to its knees; force Mexico to pay for building the border wall to keep out immigrants; and turn Iran into Hiroshima if it retaliates for his assassination of Qasem Soleimani and Abu-Mahdi al-Mohandes.
The loud-mouthed Trump, a professional liar, never dared carry out any of those threats.
Perhaps the only threat he did deliver on was his withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran in 2017. That move backfired and proved an undreamed-of gift to Iran, which has since become, in theory and practice, an undeclared nuclear power.
Trump can rest assured that his latest threats will not turn a single hair on the head of the youngest hungry or injured child in Gaza. His partner in genocide and ethnic cleansing Benjamin Netanyahu used every weapon in his arsenal to bombard the Strip, slaughtering more than 45,000 of its inhabitants and destroying 95% of their homes, but still could not locate or free those captives, despite having all the US’ intelligence resources placed at his disposal. What stronger or more effective means does Trump have? Nuking the Gaza Strip, as proposed by his criminal friend Senator Lindsay Graham?
The fighters of Hams and Islamic Jihad did not yield to all this bloody Israeli pressure throughout the past 14 months, or to the US’ pressure in the talks it sponsored aimed, with Arab collusion, at entrapping them. They stuck to their core conditions and did not step back an inch. What more can the deranged Trump do?
Trump needs to be reminded of a few things he seems to have forgotten in the euphoria of victory over his witless rival Kamala Harris.
First, the resistance in the Gaza Strip is strong and continuing to inflict humiliating casualties on Israeli forces. That reflects the courage and resolve of its fighters. Not even one has surrendered or been captured alive.
Second, no US aircraft carrier in the vicinity of the Middle East is safe from the missiles of the valiant Yemenis. One need only point to the recent attacks on the carrier Abraham Lincoln and other US warships in the Red and Arabian seas, and Sunday’s hypersonic missile strike on a military base near occupied Jaffa.
Third, the fierce and fearless Trump didn’t dare retaliate when an Iranian missile downed one of his $300mn Global Hawk spy drones in 2019 after it intruded into Iranian airspace.
Fourth, America the Great withdrew from Afghanistan in defeat and disgrace just months after Biden took over from Trump. The whole world witnessed the utter humiliation of its fleeing forces.
Trump no longer scares anyone. In his new incarnation he will not dare say a word against Vladimir Putin, who defeated his country on the plains and shores of Ukraine and annexed 20% of ‘its’ territory. Nor will he dare speak so disdainfully about China which was his number one enemy in his first term. That is not to mention Kim Jong-Il of North Korea, who insulted and humiliated him, dragging him to two summit meetings in Hanoi and Singapore from which he returned to Washington with his head bowed.
The only people scared of Trump and his threats seem to be some Arab rulers, including those on whom he imposed disgraceful normalisation with Israel and the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ during his first term.
But times have changed. There is now a substantial power in the region called the Axis of Resistance, with a formidable head and long and deadly arms. And there is a powerful new BRICS that stands to take most of the wind out of the US dollar by the time Trump’s second term is over. Just wait and see, Mr. Trump.
“very weapon in his arsenal to bombard the Strip, slaughtering more than 45,000 of its inhabitants and destroying 95% of their homes, but still could not locate or free those captives, despite having all the US’ intelligence resources placed at his disposal. ”
This is what is the most puzzling, with all the means and tech they have and in such a small piece of land (Gaza) how is it possible that they didn’t find these ‘hostages’.
They are very incompetent, or they have a vested interest not to find and liberate them, so as to have more reasons to occupy, destroy, exterminate civilians and grab their lands.
Trump could have been a liberator in the USA, with people like RFK, Tulsi and other anti-establishment figures BUT he’s been chosen by the zionists who control the establishment and Trump has just been a carpet or car seller, talented in term of the amount of bullhsit he can make people swallow but totally ineffective at making life better for his supporters.
One example: the January 6 political prisoners who rotten in jail since 2021 without any real charge or crime comitted and without due trial.
Has Trump done anything to free them or even mentionned them?
No, and they were some of his staunchest supporters.
It is a good thing that the genocidal, ultra-zionist and corrupt ‘democrat’ regime will end soon. First the demented wreck Biden was never elected, they rigged the vote massively, second, they have destroyed the US as much as the rest of the world.
But, it’s a pity that no other opposition is possible in a country where elections are bought by the biggest donors.
A banana republic with Trump as its next banana ‘president’.
Thankfully the Resistance is there to make the People hope.
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