Who Is On the Enemies List?

As I suspected the ruling elite have an enemies list.

As Tulsi Gabbard is on it, I assume all are on the list who question official narratives.

Americans are so insouciant and brainwashed that they cannot see the tyranny that is staring them in the face.

How does one help such utterly disconnected people?

The Biden-Harris administration added Tulsi Gabbard to the domestic terror watchlist — and she remains on the terrorist watchlist, even after the public disclosure that she was on the list.

Tulsi, a former member of Congress and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves, is now unable to fly without harassment, interrogation, and full body searches from airport security, which can last up to 45 minutes.

This is one more example of political persecution and weaponization of the law from the Biden-Harris Regime of Tyranny.

Can you imagine the tyranny that will descend on America when Kamala is installed as president?

Who Is On the Enemies List?

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of The Alternative World.

One thought on “Who Is On the Enemies List?

  • Diana Pearce

    Yes the list is long will there be enough room on the prisons for all of us
    We know they are fixing the election ?
    I live in France nobody can vote without an identity card !
    It’s unbelievable how the USA fonctions, like a banana state
    It seems you n we are lost


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