An Intel Drop: Trump’s “Yeah, Waco was My Idea” Tweet and more

Editor:  Things you might ask?  Why did we edit the heading here?  Answers:

  • Our version is real, Trump murdered these people.  His backers are fucking morons and psychopaths and when they kill people in his name, the fat fuck needs to take credit.  We believe he genuinely enjoyed this killing anyway…in fact we absolutely know it.
  • The MSM loves using “fuck” all the time now, as does TV.  Most of us at VT are former active duty military, I’m a Marine combat vet, and we used “fuck” and much worse continually, usually when talking with children or pets.
  • OK, today I am sitting here again, waiting for that call from Steele and others, when Trump wakes up, stops acting like a fucking moron, and lands on Israel, cutting all military aid and sending in American troops to clean them out of the West Bank, as promised.  In fact, I am even easier on Israel than many Trumpsters.  I have a staff filled with Jews and “Messicans” along with varying Muslim and “Greaser” types not to speak of the real Africans.  Trump hates them all as do Trump supporters, particularly “those dirty rat faced stinking kike Jew fucks” as Trump people talk about them constantly.  For VT, they are our friends, our staff, our family and we draw a very real line between KosherNostra/ADL billionaire America hating gangster assholes and Jewish people who run businesses, teach our kids and who have intermarried with the rest of us, after all about half of us are of Eastern European ancestry, certainly all Northern European/German’s are (learn your fucking history assholes) and pay the few bucks, get your genes tested.
  • And, getting real, Trump is a childish asshole, an ignorant little cowardly bitch who I believe spent more time bent over a bar stool than “doing” super models, according to our several good friends in common.  He didn’t make the assholes that follow him, they were here with their heads up “W” and Cheney’s ass as well and the old ones kissing Nixon’s gonads as well.  All hate blacks, despise Jews and are now taught that Muslims (most in the US aren’t Arab’s at all) and look, as with Jews, exactly like the rest of us.  Worse still, this hate for those in the Middle East, way more are Christians than imagined as well.
  • It might well be time we sat down together and came to some hard decisions.  First, to get rid of our cheap ass fake constitution and if you want someone to carry a public debate about the founding fathers and what the constitution really means, I will gladly do so…against all comers….please, empty a fake law school and let me loose.  It would be fun.
  • There is nothing wrong with people owning guns, silenced guns, machine guns, things like that.  Killing people is something else.
  • What is wrong…is for a government made up of people who take payoffs from the rich and stick the rest of us in the ass.  That has to end and all those involved need to be imprisoned or sent out of the country…and we mean tens of thousands.
  • Police….we have created a problem there.  Good police need to be protected from bad police, I know this one personally.  I don’t want ass kissing cowards in police forces but I do want police to be backed up, paid well, trained well and protected.  In return, simply stop shooting dogs, veterans and assholes.
  • For other issues?  Trump gets his wall, no reason for him not to have it.  What I worry about is keeping us in, not keeping “them” out.  Here, where I live, our Hispanic population does all the work.  Without them, we would be dead in the water.  But I also realize that I live in a Disneyland area at least 10 miles or more from anyone with a tan, much less foreign sounding name except for the Dutch and Norwegians, which has its own issues I assure you.  The Devos and Prins (Prince) family helicopters can drive you crazy, that and the bad vibes they put out from ‘moronicality.’
  • Every American deserves the right to live in safety.  They also deserve the right to get a foot up their ass whenever they deserve it, littering, screwing their own kids, threatening people on social media, running scams, junk corporate super-farm agriculture needs to end…we need to clean the filth and cheats out of this country, the corporations that live off it and gut the stock values of those who invest without thought of what damage they do.
  • Past this, get rid of most of the fucking military, the time wasters and the criminals that partner with our fake congress to rob us blind.  No more aircraft carriers, no more nuclear missiles, no more spy organizations that spy on us but NEVER do anything else.
  • Then clean out television, shut down 99% of the internet, kill Fakebook, Youtube, fix WINDOWS (even more) and dump all collected data on everyone.
  • We then end fake credit rackets, kill 90% of the credit card business, clean out banking and then start the real job.
  • End fake food.
  • From there….decide what real medical care really is, how long people should live and in how much pain and make the fake medical industry, and not all of it is fake, the VA for sure, but much else as well, offer meaningful optical, dental and medical care to Americans under tightly controlled costs using every advance we can afford and we can afford it all once we sink the fucking aircraft carriers and bury the nuclear missiles under concrete.
  • Then we hunt down the assholes….and you know who I mean.

Daily Beast: President Trump tweeted late Tuesday night questioning the authenticity of 2020 Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke’s name and telling the former Texas representative to “be quiet.” “Beto (phony name to indicate Hispanic heritage) O’Rourke, who is embarrassed by my last visit to the Great State of Texas, where I trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1% in the Democrat Primary, should respect the victims & law enforcement – & be quiet!” Trump wrote. The president will travel to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday after a shooter attacked a Walmart on Saturday in El Paso, killing 22, and another shooter killed nine people at a bar in Dayton on Sunday.

O’Rourke hasn’t held back his criticism of Trump over the past few days, and he was quick to respond to the president’s tweet. “22 people in my hometown are dead after an act of terror inspired by your racism,” he wrote. “El Paso will not be quiet and neither will I.” While at a vigil for the victims of the shooting Sunday night, he compared the president’s rhetoric to the Third Reich. “We have a president right now who traffics in this hatred, who incites this violence, who calls Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, calls asylum seekers animals and an infestation,” he said. “You may use that word in the Third Reich to describe those who are undesirable, who must be put down because they are subhuman.” Speaking to reporters after the vigil, O’Rourke said the president is “inciting racism and violence in this country,” along with other expletives.




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