Does US meddling in Myanmar risk Syria/Libya-style war?
- Brian Berletic
- Wednesday 14 Apr 21
- 1236
- 0

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss US meddling in the protests in Myanmar with geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic, and how Washington seeks to weaken a neighbor of China and key ally in Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative.
We address the coup by the Tatmadaw military, the NED-funded Burmese networks calling for R2P (“Responsibility to Protect”) foreign intervention, eerie parallels to the regime-change operations targeting Syria and Libya, and how this violence risks a dangerous destabilization of Southeast Asia.
We also talk about Bellingcat’s CIA promoters.

Brian Berletic
Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic, is an ex- US Marine Corps independent geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, writing under the pen name “ Tony Cartalucci ” along with several others.
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