The flourishing Iran-Russia alliance

The US is paying the price for its strategic short-sightedness

Russia is making military and economic advances in the Middle East, while the US is in rapid retreat in most of the region’s countries.

This is not only due to the cleverness of its foes, especially the Russians, but to its own stupidity: its arrogance and short-sightedness, and placing all its strategic eggs in the basket of the Israeli occupation state. This is now entangling it in wars – especially in Yemen and Iraq — that could result in the foreseeable future in its military bases being dismantled and its forces and fleets ignominiously exiting the region.

The US’ biggest failure lies in the way the blockades and sanctions it zealously imposes on several states in the region — especially Iran but also to a lesser extent Syria and Yemen — are backfiring.
Iran has succeeded in breaking the embargo imposed on it by developing its domestic military and civilian industries and scientific and technological expertise, including a nuclear programme that enables it to build nuclear weapons in a matter of weeks should its self-imposed prohibition of such a step be lifted.

On Thursday, Reuters news agency, citing six separate sources, reported that Iran was supplying Russia with guided ballistic missiles from the Fateh-110 family, such as the road-mobile Zolfaghar which can hit targets from a distance of 300 to 700 kilometres. Its sources said around 400 missiles had already been sent to Russia by air or by ship via the Caspian Sea, and more would be delivered in the coming few weeks.

This cooperation between two countries subject to draconian US sanctions naturally worries the Biden administration and its Western allies, especially at a time when Russia is making major gains in the Ukraine war that enable it to consolidate its control over the four annexed eastern provinces and Crimea.

Because of the US embargo and sanctions, Iran made its mind up from day one of the Ukraine war and chose to side with Russia — not just verbally, but in practice. It sold the Russian army drones that are considered among the most sophisticated in the world, and is now coming to its ally’s aid by supplying it with smart missiles to replenish its stocks.

Meanwhile, Iran’s paramilitary allies are doing Russia a great service by engaging the US in costly military and economic wars of attrition. Yemeni naval forces now hit out at US warships in the Red Sea and Arabia Sea on an almost daily basis, while Iraq’s Hashd ash-Shaabi assumes the task of striking US bases in Iraq and Syria — and maybe Jordan next.

This growing military cooperation between Iran and Russia is unlikely to be a one-way street. In exchange for its arms supplies, Iran will almost certainly be provided with top-of-the-line Russian military and civilian, possibly including nuclear, technology.

The Iranian-Russian alliance has borne fruit in the form of successes in the Ukraine war, while the US-Israeli alliance has only reaped a succession of failures and defeats: in the Gaza Strip, and — coming soon — in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. Just wait and see.

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