Trump elevated to “the chosen” status, genocide in Gaza increases in violence

My reports yesterday for UK Column News

Today in Politico:

Blame Iran – The U.S. intelligence community has received an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that Iran is actively working on plots to kill former President Donald Trump, potentially in the lead up to the election in November.

Two senior U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence said the Biden administration has gathered information from various sources, including human sources, on threats from Tehran that are linked to physical acts of violence — acts that could kill Trump, they said, without providing further details.

Iran has for years considered a plan to get back at Trump for his killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020. But the officials said the intelligence has ratcheted up in recent months and officials have become more confident in Tehran’s intentions. They also said there may be more attempts on Trump’s life in the coming weeks.

Potential for a future false flag?

One of the officials said it was clear from the intelligence the U.S. has gathered that Iran is actively plotting — and the administration was working to try and thwart such attacks. Still, Iranian operatives remain a concern for intelligence and national security officials — many of whom are part of organizations, such as Hezbollah, that have the capability to carry out large-scale attacks on Americans.

I also, annoyingly omitted the Caesar Sanctions on Syria imposed during the Trump Presidency to further collectively punish the Syrian people for their loyalty to their leadership and refusal to comply with a Western/Zionist agenda for their country:

As activist and journalist Rick Sterling wrote:

The new law is fraudulent on two counts. It is called “Caesar” in reference to a 2014 propaganda stunt involving an anonymous Syrian who was alleged to be a military photographer. He claimed to have 55,000 photos showing about eleven thousand victims of Syrian government torture. As the Christian Science Monitor said at the time, the “Caesar” report was “A well-timed propaganda exercise funded by Qatar.” A 30 page analysis later confirmed that the “Caesar” report was a fraud with nearly half the photos showing the OPPOSITE of what was claimed: they documented dead Syrian soldiers and civilian victims of “rebel” car bombs and attacks.

The Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act is also fraudulent by claiming to “protect civilians”. In reality, it is punishes and hurts the vast majority of 17 million persons living in Syria. It will result in thousands of civilians suffering and dying needlessly. […]

The Caesar Act extends the sanctions from applying to US nationals and companies to any individuals and corporations. It claims the supra-national prerogative to apply US laws to anyone. “Sanctions with respect to foreign persons” include blocking and seizing the property and assets of a person or company deemed to have violated the US law. This is compounded by a fiscal penalty which can be huge. In 2014, one of the largest international banks, BNP Paribas, was fined $9 Billion for violating US sanctions against Cuba, Iran and Sudan.

The Caesar Act claims the Syria Central Bank is a “primary money laundering” institution and thus in a special category. It aims to make it impossible for Syrian companies to export and import from Lebanon. It will make it extremely difficult or impossible for Syrians abroad to transfer money to support family members in Syria.

In addition to these extraordinary attacks, the US is undermining and destabilizing the Syrian currency. In October 2019, the Syrian currency was trading at about 650 Syrian pounds to one US dollar. Now, just 8 months later, the rate is 2600 to the US dollar. Part of the reason is because of the threat of Caesar sanctions.

I have recently been pushing back against the ‘America First’ cabal on social media. You can find a couple of my comments here and here.

Those who will vote Trump and Vance because “America first” will continue a neocon policy that does not change regardless of Democrat or Republican – the targets may change, the goal does not – Biden may start nuclear war with Russia, Trump will exterminate Palestinians and destroy West Asia with Iran as the final prey.

Americans don’t get to be isolationist or protectionist about their foreign policies until America gets the hell out of every country it has occupied in the world today and for example, stops nesting unlawfully in sovereign nations to steal their resources.

If people really want to put America first, they should be ending US hegemony and military expansionism which has nothing to do with “national security”. Nobody wants America first except Americans who want to continue the neocolonialist agenda and don’t give a shit about the millions of brown people murdered in the name of US “democracy”.

The world is not a stage governed by the US, it is a world of diversity and culture that has existed way longer than America. Leave it alone, repair the damage but don’t vote in another wave of military adventurism.

An aside:

My father and I may have disagreed on some issues but on Zionism there is no difference in our opinions. I am proud of his stance against the Zionist settler colonialist project. A stance that continued long after he retired and was lecturing on the subject at UK Universities. He would probably consider that my approach lacks “diplomacy” but he would be proud that I have continued on his path. He died in 2001 and by then, imo. the Foreign Office had long since ceased to be anything more than a war office, promoting the slaughter of Palestinians without remorse or conscience.

Below is the opinion of a Zionist about my father Harold Beeley from the book State in the Making published in 1953.

The news:

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