Genocide deniers defend Israel, Iran destroys Western propaganda

UK Column News 22nd May

My first report covers the request for arrest warrants for Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and War Minister Yoav Gallant and four leaders of Hamas – Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, Mohammed Diab, Ibrahim Al Masri.

Bi-partisan US Senators leap to the defence of Israel while denying genocide in Gaza and Palestine as a whole.

Local sources in Jenin reported to Al-Akhbar that “the destruction is massive in the city and the camp, and the occupation’s vehicles and bulldozers did not stop bulldozing and destroying the streets, citizens’ vehicles and property, and the infrastructure for water, electricity, and telephone services.” She added that these forces “turned the city into a military zone,” in which a large number of soldiers were deployed, firing randomly, under the cover of drones.

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, threatens countries that have recognised a Palestinian State:

“Today I am sending a strong message to Ireland and Norway that Israel will not silently ignore this issue (by announcing recognition of a Palestinian state).

I have just ordered the Israeli ambassadors from Dublin and Oslo to be returned to Israel for urgent consultations in Jerusalem.

The hasty move by both countries will have other serious consequences. If Spain follows through on its intention to recognize a Palestinian state, a similar step will be taken against it.”

The genocide in Gaza continues unabated while the genocide deniers double down on their morally bankrupt pro-Israel tropes.

Lebanese journalist, PhD and presenter Marwa Osman writes:

I will not share the video from Gaza here, I am sure you either saw it or can easily find it..but I will say that due to the intensity of the Israeli occupation bombing, a Palestinian woman was torn apart and her fetus expelled as a result of the occupation’s bombing of a place housing displaced people in the Zawaida area in the central Gaza Strip.

Read that DAMN sentence again and tell us again that this is NOT a Gaza Genocide‌

*Photo from artist Suhad Khatib of the Palestinian woman Rania Abu Anzeh whom Israel killed her twin babies in a Rafah displacement camp. Rania had her twins via IVF after 10 years of trying. Israel murdered those babies with US-made bombs. Your tax money killed Rania’s babies just as it killed the woman above and her fetus.

Social media propaganda on display above, published by Jeremy Nell on his Telegram channel.

Here is my report for UK Column News:

My second report covers the tragic deaths of Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian and seven other colleagues who were also on board the helicopter. I look at the Western response in the media compared to the actual reality on the ground in Iran and the region.

For the full Piers Morgan interview with Seyed Mohammed Marandi

In my first report on the ICC and Gaza, I mentioned a video (AJ+) showing the devastation in Khan Younis Gaza – I spent a lot of time there in 2012/13, it was a bustling, vibrant University city with some of the most abundant farms and fruit orchards in Gaza – here I tried Pomelos for the first time and have never tasted such sweetness since.

Video subtitled by The Cradle – Raisi’s chief of staff describes downed helicopter’s final moments

Gholam Hossein Esmaili, who was on the third helicopter in the president’s convoy, details the moments before Ebrahim Raisi’s chopper disappeared from view.

While attending the 3 day mourning event at the Iranian Embassy in Damascus I recorded this statement from H.E. Jose Biomorgi, Venezuela Ambassador in Damascus:

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