Update from the front lines | Interview with the “Pyatnashka” commander

On episode 40 of the show we are joined by Akhra Avidzba, a political activist and a commander of the “Pyatnashka” battalion, an active participant in the war in Donbass, Hero of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.

In 2008 he went as a volunteer to South Ossetia to fight against Georgia however did not take part in hostilities. In 2014 he went to Donbass, joined the “Oplot” battalion and later established the “Pyatnashka” battalion.

He has taken part in many notable battles for Donbass since the start of the conflict in 2014 and has received multiple awards and medals, including medal “For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth” and medal of “Officer’s Valor”.


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