‘The Biggest Gangster in Haiti Is the US Government’ w/ Dr. Jemima Pierre

Has the latest UN military occupation of Haiti improved the country’s security?

Dr. Jemima Pierre says the answer is a clear “no.” She joins hosts Eugene and Rania to discuss the deployment of Kenyan police to Haiti under a US-backed mission to supposedly “restore security.” Pierre reveals how the US is working to turn the mission into a “full occupation force,” under UN auspices, aiming to further undermine Haiti’s sovereignty and exploit its resources.

Dr. Jemima Pierre is the Professor of Global Race in the Institute of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) at the University of British Columbia and a member of Black Alliance for Peace.

The US-backed occupation of Haiti “is a complete farce,” explains Dr. Jemima Pierre w/@Blacks4Peace, “the US is trying to keep a permanent military presence in Haiti, using the UN as cover”

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