Amidst all the sadness and grief, let’s cut to the chase.

Eurasia integration and the drive towards multipolarity is being fundamentally conducted by three major actors:

Russia, China – and Iran.

Which happen to be the three top “existential threats” to Exceptionalistan.

The heart of the matter: Putin essentially invited Iranian ambassador to Russia, Jalali, to be on the table at an impromptu Sunday, 10 pm meeting of the cream of the crop of Russia’s Defense Team.

That reaches way beyond the realm of discussion between “accidental crash” or targeted downing of the Iranian presidential helicopter.

Everyone was there: Defence Minister Belousov; Secretary of the Security Council Shoigu; Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov; Emergencies Minister Kurenkov; Special Assistant to the President, Levitin.

The message: Russia’s got Iran’s back.

And Russia completely supports stability and continuity of government in Iran – which is anyway already fully guaranteed by Iran’s constitution.

We are deep into total Hybrid War mode, bordering on Hot, on most of the planet.

Three civilization-states shaping a new world could not be more clear.

Interlinked as they are via bilateral strategic partnerships, plus membership of BRICS and SCO, and following up on Putin-Xi in Beijing last week, none of the three will allow the other partners to be destabilized by the usual suspects.


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