Truth Needs Support More Than Ever Before

Dear Readers, it is September and time for my quarterly request for your support of this website. Free speech is being criminalized in the United States. With the latest dictate from Washington Scott Ritter has been forced to resign his position with RT, and Dimitri Simes faces a 6 decade imprisonment for news commentary restricted to a Russian audience. The US Treasury now considers speaking with Russians evidence of interfering in US elections. In order to control the narrative, our rulers are dismantling communication between the two nuclear superpowers. It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous and irresponsible act.

With tyranny already upon us, perhaps you can imagine what is in store for us once Kamala, a willing puppet, is placed in office. If Trump wins the election despite the methods put in place to steal the election for Kamala, will Trump be arrested as a conspirator with Putin to steal the election? Considering the one thousand Americans imprisoned for attending a Trump rally, it seems possible.

And here’s a big thank-you to everyone who has so generously supported us so far.

The US Treasury Has Decreed a Measure to Prevent Americans from Supplying News and Analysis to Russian Media

The US government is determined to shut down all alternative voices.

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