The Insouciance of the Good is Evil’s Best Ally

Annemarie Axon is a federal district judge for the northern district of Alabama. She was appointed by President Trump. Her appointment, judging by her recent ruling, is further indication that Donald Trump is not up to the challenge of draining the swamp.
Judge Axon has just ruled against Republican states and in favor of Biden’s Department of Education’s ruling that the existing regulatory prohibition against sex discrimination also applies to non-biological based claimes to gender identity. Her ruling means that schools and colleges that don’t allow access to toilet, locker, and shower area based on self-declared gender are cut off from federal funds and could be sued or prosecuted for discrimination. There is no exemption for religious schools.
Trump’s appointee, judge Axon, has made an ideological woke decision, not a decision based on law. It is completely clear that Congress’ use of “sex” did not mean self-declared gender identity. Indeed, no such concept even existed at the time.
The Biden regime’s regulatory ruling, which Trump’s judge Axon supports, also expands the meaning of sexual harassment to using biological based pronouns instead of self-declared ones.
To be clear, Trump, who says he is going to drain the swamp, appoints swamp creatures as federal judges.
So how is he going to drain the swamp?
Does Trump’s team have any real fighters? Or is it just a collection of conciliators who will ensure their own career with the Ruling Establishment by “moderating” Trump?
I suspect it is the latter.
If not, the next assassination attempt will succeed.
Fighters don’t do well in Washington.
Trump’s movement consists of people who find reassurance in Trump’s identification with them. But are they fighters? Do they understand that there has been a coup against the American People, a coup that intends a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel in place of the United States of America?
I think not.
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