The Assassination Attempt & the US Election

PCR interviewed by ZurZeit, Vienna, Austria

On July 13, an assassination attempt was made on the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Can you tell us more about the background? Why should Trump be eliminated?

Since 2016 Trump has been regarded by the ruling establishment as a threat to the power and control exercised by the Republican establishment, Democrat establishment, the material interests that control both parties, the media, and especially the military/security complex whose enemy Trump threatened to take away by “normalizing relations with Russia. ”
Trump took away from the Republican establishment the power to choose the Republican presidential nominee. Indeed, he took control of the Republican Party away from the establishment. Trump defeated the Democrat establishment and the media by defeating the preferred establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton, for president. Trump defeated the media by surviving their propaganda and by ridiculing the presstitutes. His announcement that he was going to take the power away from the ruling establishment and give it back to the people enraged Washington and the material interests that control the government. His announced intent to normalize relations with Russia alarmed the armaments industry and security agencies, such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, that he was taking away the enemy that justified their power and their budgets. The establishment clearly perceives Trump as a threat.
The establishment tried to deal with Trump with a plethora of concocted scandals: Russia-gate, two impeachments, porn star payoff which was turned into an indictment for “interfering with an election,” documents-gate, insurrection-gate, and criminal and civil indictments that have no basis in law and are falling apart, one being dismissed, two being put on hold while in one case the judges investigate the prosecutor for lying to the court and in another for allocating $700,000 in public funds to a lover. The US Supreme Court has ruled that a charge on which 300 trump supporters were railroaded to prison is not a permissible charge.
Given the failure of the establishment’s attempt to be rid of Trump, many expected an assassination attempt. The Secret Service’s total failure to protect Trump shows a lack of competence that is impossible to believe. The voids in the protection and the Secret Service director’s excuse for the shooter’s access are unbelievable. There might or might not be an investigation, but government investigations always clear the government. Remember the self-serving investigations of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, and the absurd official explanation of 9/11.
There are likely to be more attempts on Trump’s life. If so, they will be explained as “copycat” attempts spurred by the “lone deranged shooter in Pennsylvania.”

In Europe, almost nobody had heard of J.D. Vance before Trump made him his running mate. How do you categorize Vance politically?

Initially, J.D. Vance, influenced by the media’s demonization of Trump, was a Trump critic, but he came to the realization that the attack on Trump was an attack on America, particularly the Democrats and media’s open borders policy and normalization and legitimization of sexual perversity. Vance symbolizes a young generation which has zero confidence in the media and is beginning to think for itself. Vance opposes the transformation of the US into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

Is Vance, who is half of Trump’s age, an indication of a generational change both in the Republican party and in US politics?

That is Trump’s opinion, but only time will tell. It is difficult even for the sincere to resist the power and riches that the American establishment can bestow.

Biden’s obvious mental decline has been progressing for some time. But why has his mental health and fitness for office only become an issue now and not much earlier?

Biden’s performance in the first presidential debate and in the press conference were too shocking for the media to hide. Liberal media themselves confessed that they had “gaslighted” (deceived) the American public about Biden’s capability.

What do you think: Will Biden run for the Democrats or not? If not, who will replace Biden – Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Michelle Obama or someone else?

Biden has not been nominated by the Democrat Party as its candidate. That happens at the Democrat convention. Democrat Party mega-donors are withholding political campaign donations until a different candidate than Biden is selected. Polls show that a majority of Democrat voters do not want Biden to be the candidate. Therefore, the assumption is that the party will nominate a different person. The problem is that having left the issue so late, there is little time to pick someone and create an appealing persona around them. Kamela Harris is not popular. Gavin Newsom is regarded as a nutcase. Michelle means a third term for Obama. Hillary was defeated by Trump eight years ago, and since that time the persecutions of Trump and attempt on his life have swelled his support. I don’t know what the Democrats are going to do. I don’t think they know themselves. This increases the chance that the national security state will assassinate Trump.

In Europe, both Biden’s and Trump’s age is an issue: You were member of the Reagan administration, and Reagan became president at the age of 70. Why did Reagan become one of the most successful US presidents?

Reagan achieved his two goals. One was to cure “stagflation,” which his supply-side economic policy did. The other was to end the Cold War, which he achieved with his rapprochement with Soviet leader Gorbachev. No presidents in modern times have such achievements.
Additionally, Reagan radiated strength, humor, and a love for America. This made him likable and difficult for the liberal-left to successfully demonize.
Age is not a deterrent of effective leadership. Age brings wisdom. Not all people deteriorate with age at the same pace. I find it remarkable that the eight years of stress that Trump has been put through has not brought him a stroke or heart attack. I find it more remarkable that he is eager to undertake four more years of fighting for his country’s moral and economic renewal. Trump has money, a beautiful and intelligent wife, and he is giving the remainder of his life to fighting a corrupt establishment that hates him.

The Assassination Attempt & the US Election

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