The Establishment Has Prepared Another Assault on Trump America

Today Stephen Lendman describes the militarization and fortification of Washington in advance of Wednesday’s inauguration— .
(Stephen Lendman is not a Trumper.  He is a Jewish intellectual and member of the old left which stood up for the working class. The old left are dying off, and those who remain are not welcome on the websites of the new fake left that despises the working class as “Trump deplorables” and serves the Establishment for pay. )

What is going on here?  At the least, the purpose of militarizing the capital is to further impress on people in the US and abroad that Trump Americans are “enemies of democracy” against whom the new presidency must be protected. Having successfully misrepresented the Trump rally as an insurrection, it is easy for the Establishment to suggest that “the enemies of democracy” will strike again. The message is that as long as Trump Americans have First Amendment rights to assemble and protest, American democracy will be unsafe.  This sets the stage for curtailing protests against the Biden regime’s policies and shutting down alternative explanations to the controlled explanations of the Establishment. 

More might be afoot than this.  Ask yourself, would such a disruptive and expensive shutdown of the country’s capital be undertaken only for nothing to happen and the Establishment’s over-reaction to its own rhetoric raise questions about over-reaction to the Trump rally?  The “enemies of democracy” once summoned can’t be permitted to disappear.  I wonder what the bookies’ odds are on a false flag attack on the inauguration.

A false flag attack might be obvious, but the Establishment’s media whores will sell it by endless repetition as they have sold all other Establishment lies.  As the world media, following the American presstitutes, spent the entire Trump administration building a false picture of President Trump, the skids are greased for the set-up of Trump Americans as dangerous people against whom measures must be taken.  Possibly the Establishment has so over-fortified the District of Columbia and over-filled it with troops, that the prospect of insurrection is too bleak to carry conviction.  We will find out in a few days.

If January 20 does bring a false flag attack, expect Antifa and BLM to make sure that America’s black cities again rise in riot and looting and that in Democrat controlled jurisdictions the police will be ordered, as before, to stand down.  All of the looting and destruction will then be blamed on Trump Americans set-up by the false flag event as attempting to block Biden’s inauguration.

At this point Trump Americans will be as vulnerable as Jews in Nazi Germany and Kulaks under Stalin.  Indeed, attorneys, judges, and politicians who defend wrongly accused Trumpers will be lumped in with the Jews and Kulaks.  People say there can’t be a civil war, but if this plays out the only way there won’t be a civil war is if the threatened Trumpers, like the Jews in Nazi Germany, do not resist.

To complete this mental exercise, now dismiss this column as extremist fantasy.  Still we are left with a split of the population into two groups of approximately equal numbers, but one group sitting on the moral high horse controlling all the power positions and money and the other demonized and largely without communication.  Those Americans who oppose the Establishment’s opening of the borders and flooding America with aliens, thus setting in stone one-party rule that is easier for the Establishment to control, will not only be dismissed as racists and white supremacists but also prosecuted as racists, white supremacists and enemies of democracy. Generally speaking, those with power use it.  

What the American Establishment has not yet realized is that once this process begins, it doesn’t end with Trumpers but proceeds with the elimination of the white establishment itself.  Everyone who wants to see their own future and that of Western Civilization must read The Camp of the Saints.  The process is playing out in front of our eyes. 

Fortress Washington Occupied and Militarized

by Stephen Lendman (

What’s going on in the nation’s capital is unprecedented.

Around 25,000 troops, unknown numbers of secret service agents, other federal security forces, and local police turned the city into a blockaded armed camp ahead of illegitimate transition of power on January 20.

The nation’s capital resembles occupied Baghdad’s Green Zone that’s half-way around the world from Washington DC.

Seven-foot-high non-scalable barricades topped with razor wire surround the Capitol and various federal buildings.

Thousands of heavily armed National Guard troops and other security forces — with orders to use lethal force against alleged threats — guard the city’s perimeter and virtually everything important inside.

Bridges into the city and National Mall will be closed ahead of Wednesday’s transition of power.

At checkpoints, IDs of occupants in cars, no other modes of transport,  or on foot entering or leaving the city are checked.

The Military Times reported that “National Guard troops from (virtually all US (states) continue to pour into DC for…security.”

Army General Daniel Hokanson, head of the National Guard Bureau, is commanding what’s going on.

Deployment of troops was authorized for up to 30 days for transition of power preparations, what’s planned for January 20 and its aftermath.

The Washington Post, located in the city on K Street NW, said it’s “closed off like never before,” adding:

“(T)he Secret Service has launched a massive security operation.”

“Vehicle traffic in much of the city will be prohibited or limited to residents and businesses only.”

“Metro is shuttering stations in the city’s core and near the Mall.”

“Street closures will continue through Thursday, and are subject to change at the discretion of the Secret Service.”

Mayor Muriel E. Bowser noted the unprecedented interruption of daily life for city residents and businesses while all of the above continues.

Saying “we are in unchartered waters” greatly over-dramatizes preparations for alleged threats that are highly unlikely to happen unless one or more state-sponsored false flags are planned to further vilify Trump and his supporters.

No reported intelligence or other information suggests a serious enough or any threat to warrant over-the-top preparations — notably 25,000 National Guard troops from all states.

No explanation was given for what’s going on at enormous taxpayer expense — other than non-specific remarks.

The best FBI director Christopher Wray would offer was saying the following:

“We are seeing an extensive amount of concerning online chatter — that’s the best way I would describe it — about a number of events surrounding the inauguration” with no further elaboration.

His remark suggested no organized or other planned threat(s) to inauguration day events — likely because there are none expected.

According to one observer who walked around the perimeter of barricades twice this week, it’s nearly impossible for any unauthorized vehicle or person to get anywhere near close to where inaugural ceremonies will be conducted.

At Secret Service discretion, closures, barriers, and other preparations are subject to change.

A Final Comment

On Friday, Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser’s remark was an Orwellian shot across the bow for what may be coming ahead nationwide, saying:

“(O)ur entire country is going to have to deal with how our intelligence apparatus, security apparatus at every level deal with a very real and present threat to our nation (sic).”

Her remark indicates a new abnormal for the city that perhaps is coming to the US nationwide.

The only “threat to our nation” is state-sponsored.

A free and open society appears on the chopping block for elimination — totalitarian rule enforced by police state harshness appears coming to replace it.

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