UPDATE to the interpretation by Mike Adams of the acoustic evidence

Mike Adams reports he has acquired 5 other recordings of the shooting taken from different locations. It is not clear by who and what the chain of custody has been. The one he first reported on is the Fox News recording from the podium where Trump was speaking.


Adams now says he can’t sustain the more than one shooter hypothesis. He now finds possible Secret Service complicity in the long time–a quarter of a minute–for the Secret Service to eliminate Crooks after the firing stopped. It is suspicious. But I find it difficult to believe that if the attempt on Trump was a deep state plot, an inexperienced kid would be relied on as the assassin. If there was a plot, the kid seems to be the patsy that covers up the plot.

I haven’t heard whether the additional audios have caused Martenson to modify his conclusion. I have heard no mention of Martenson’s point that the bullet that hit the man in the top corner of the stand a good distance above Trump must have had an upward trajectory. How do we account for this if Crooks elevation on the building top was above Trump’s? Crooks firing would have had downward trajectory.

My position remains the same. The acoustic evidence and the trajectory question must be analyzed by independent credentialed forensic experts. Mike Adams is a smart person, and he is approaching the issue in a sound way but he does not make his living analyzing acoustic evidence. Such fierce Trump opponents as the FBI and Homeland Security cannot be relied on for an honest analysis. It is such a dangerous and sensitive undertaking that no expert might be found to undertake it, just as few scientists were willing to analyze the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings. The expert who concludes more than one shooter would be denounced and demonized. It might be that the evidence simply cannot be confronted. Even people convinced that the attack on Trump was a deep state plot will argue that a coverup in necessary so that the American people do not lose confidence in their government.

We cannot risk yet another non-investigation like the two Kennedy assassinations and 9/11, but that is likely what we are going to get. The assassination attempt will become an internet issue, and as we know the internet is the realm of “conspiracy theories.”

UPDATE to the interpretation by Mike Adams of the acoustic evidence

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