Shocking truth about Trump and the Media

Herland Report TV (HTV): “Trump instantly fell under the attack of the liberal progressive left for being elected by, allegedly according to them, white heterosexual males who are woman haters, racist, sexist, gun loving nuts”, says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Dr. Roberts: “When Donald Trump got elected, instantly identity politics began attacking him. The argument was that his election was illegitimate because he was elected by white heterosexual males, because they shouldn’t even be allowed to vote and much less to elect a president.”
“This made them willing to cooperate with the Military Security Complex’ attack on Trump, since he said he was going to normalize relations with Russia. This was a direct threat to their massive budget. The overall budget of the United States security complex is 1000 billion dollars. That’s larger than the gross domestic product of most countries.”
“If you have a budget that large you got to have an enemy. Russia is the awarding enemy. So, when Trump said he was going to normalize relations with Russia, it was a direct threat to the military security complex. So, they orchestrated this Russia gate, the entire purpose to which is to prevent Trump from normalizing relations with Russia and so far, it has succeeded.”
“We find the left wing on the side of the military security complex and together they are attacking the guy who wants peace between the US and Russia. This is non-sensical, to have the left wing aligned with the military, Pentagon and the CIA. These have always been enemies. The left winged was always the against the military and the CIA. Now they are aligned together in attacking Trump.”
“One of the intelligence Committee in the Congress has released a 4 page memo, summarizing their investigations of Russiagate. They say that what Russiagate really is is a conspiracy between the Military Security Complex, Hillary Clinton against President Trump. It is an act of High Treason. It involves the very top levels of the CIA, FBI, the Democratic Party. The whole thing was a hoax created to discredit Trump.”
“The media is no longer run by news people, it is run by former government officials, by corporate advertising executives. The editors know what they can’t say or can’t allow to be printed and if the journalists don’t know that, their stories get spiked.”
The previous programs with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts may be viewed here:
-Program 1, Neo-Con Totalitarianism:…
-Program 2, Totalitarianism in the West:…
-Program 3, The Washington Tyranny:…
-Program 4, Hatred of the White Hetero Male:…
-Program 5, Financial Crisis Looming:…
-Program 6, Military Complex and the Media:…
-Program 7, The Enslavement of the Working Class:…
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