Paul Craig Roberts: Planned War in Israel is 911 Continued!
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Tuesday 31 Oct 23
- 514
- 1

The Israeli/Hamas Conflict continues to escalate. And Paul Craig Roberts thinks Israel hopes it does. Why? Because, he speculates -with good reasons- that the real goal is to finish what America started by staging the false attack of 911.
Before you decide this is preposterous, listen to why he thinks this is probable, in his latest conversation with On Target’s Larry Sparano
This article from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz describes the enormous amounts of arms and ammunition Washington is assembling around Israel and reports the arrival of transport ships and aircraft for evacuations of Americans from the Middle East.
This is evidence that Washington intends a much larger conflict than the one in Gaza. Washington is preparing for a regional conflict. Putin, by restraining the Muslims, is making the same mistake he made with the Minsk agreement–banking on peace when Washington intends war. I see the information in Haaretz’s report as support for my thesis that the Israeli-Hamas conflict is Washington’s way of reopening the Middle Eastern wars against Israel’s enemies and the suppliers of Hezbollah. The Zionist goal is larger than Palestine. The goal is Greater Israel.
Part 2:

Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.
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