Is the Covid “vaccine” a Bioweapon?

Dr. Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD, a distinguished scientist who is also a medical doctor and a doctor of law, points out that under the Nuremberg Code established by the US and under which German officials, doctors and judges were tried after World War II, and under a number of international treaties to which the United States is a signatory, violating medical “informed consent” is a felony for which Germans were executed and constitutes treason on the part of officials who have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution. Vaccine mandates, of course, violate informed consent and thereby constitute serious crimes by those issuing and enforcing such mandates.
Dr. Fleming’s presentation begins at the 1:29:38 mark on this video: .
Dr. Fleming begins with an explanation of the Covid virus and how it invades the body and with an explanation of the “vaccine” and how it invades the body. He uses the official data to demonstrate that there is no difference in Covid illness and Covid deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The “vaccine” provides zero protection, but the “vaccine” does have adverse reactions that are serious and deadly.
Dr. Fleming shows how authorities manipulated the official data to produce the false claim that being doubly vaccinated provided 95% protection.
At 2:20:57 Dr. Fleming presents a Department of Defense study that shows that Antibody Dependent Enhancement is accelerating in fully vaccinated people each week. In other words, the “vaccine’s” destruction of the immune system increases with time.
Alex Jones made available on Infowars Dr. Fleming’s long but precise explanation, and this might put some readers off who have been affected by the mainstream demonization of Alex Jones. You should keep in mind that Alex Jones is doing all of us a great favor by taking the heat for making censored information available. Like all of us, Alex can make mistakes, but here it is Dr. Fleming speaking, not Alex. Keep in mind also that with his mistakes Alex Jones is still many times more reliable than CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Dr. Fauci, Walensky, Biden and the rest of those responsible for the crimes being perpetuated under cover of a “Covid pandemic.”
Dr. Fleming gives you the opportunity to be thoroughly informed and to not be dependent on a media that lies, on indoctrinated and self-serving doctors, and politicians who shill for the agenda. If you do not avail yourself of the opportunity, it is your life that is at risk.
If justice prevails and there is accountability for the violations of informed consent, the corrupt and evil governors of California and New York will certainly be among those executed:
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of The Alternative World.
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